Octopus paper chain

Paper chain octopus.

To complete this project you will need:

Firstly, cut your coloured card or paper into strips. We measured ours from A4 card, 6cm wide, but you can cut your strips as you like.

  • Coloured card or paper (one big piece, and the rest cut into strips)
  • Glue/sellotape/staples
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes
  • Lots of time and patience!
What you will need

Then cut your Octopus face and body shape out to look something like this:

Stick your googly eyes on, and add some details to his face.

Then you need to make the legs. Use your coloured card to make eight paper chains.

Fold a strip of card into a circle and attach it together. You can use glue, selotape or staples to do this.

Then insert another strip so it looks like this (1)

Stick this second piece of card into a circle shape like the first. (2)

Repeat, repeat, repeat! When your legs are long enough attach them to your octopus body using staples. Your Octopus paper chain might look something like the one below:

Cut your Octopus face and body shape out

We had great fun making our Octopus and we hope you do too! If you’d like to join our after school or holiday club, please contact us