Fireflies Cavendish Breakfast and After School Club are situated in the main hall in Cavendish School. They cater for up to thirty two children, with a staffing ratio of 1:8.
We provide childcare for children aged between 4 and 11.
Cavendish Breakfast Club runs from 7.30am until 8.30am. It costs £5.50 per session, per child. Cavendish After School Club runs from the end of the school day, starting at 3:05pm and ending at 6pm. It costs £13 per session, per child.
Our club ethos is to create a friendly, relaxed, and safe environment where kids can be confident to express their individuality. We adhere to the session outcomes suggested by OFSTED; ‘stay safe, enjoy and achieve, economic wellbeing, being healthy, and positive contribution.’
The room is set up for the children to choose their own activities and socialise with their peers.
Breakfast Club
Monday – Friday from 7:30am
Breakfast is an informal time for children to come into school to socialise, eat and enjoy quiet table top activities before they start their day. Children are offered the option of toast, cereal or baked goods for breakfast.
After School Club
Monday – Friday 3pm to 6pm
The first hour (3pm-4pm) starts with the children arriving at the hall. Here they choose a piece of fruit for their after-school snack. After that, the hour consists of small tabletop activities, such as colouring, loom bands, toys, sewing, board games, puzzles etc., or outdoor play. There is also the opportunity for the children to do their homework, talk with staff, or read.
At 4.15 pm we will have supper. This consists of a small, healthy meal from a weekly menu. This includes beans on toast, spaghetti, sandwiches, etc. A full menu is available on request, in line with Chartwell’s menu, to meet the children’s nutritional needs. However, depending on the children’s preferences, we allow our menu to be flexible. Throughout the session, fresh fruit is available, and for those who choose not to eat the offered meal, there is an alternative of toast and condiments. We will also have an exotic taste section of supper time, where the children will be encouraged to try something they haven’t had before – such as exotic fruits and vegetables (allergies and special dietary requirements will be considered). Parents will also be asked to provide a packed tea for children with special dietary requirements.
Child Communication
During supper time, the kids are encouraged to talk about their day at school and think about what they’ve learnt and done. We encourage the children, in line with the schools golden rules, to listen to each other and be kind. Staff members sit with the children and have the opportunity to eat with them. As a result, children can learn to mirror the table manners of the staff. We try to create a ‘homestyle’ environment.
After supper the children are asked to help pack away and clean up their space. Once complete there is a chance for the children to be involved in a group activity, such as music, art and crafts, parachute games, cooking, etc.
From 5pm-5:30pm the children have quiet free play, where they can choose from quiet table top activities, outside play, reading etc.
From 5:30-6pm the children are encouraged to tidy up the toys and activities that they’ve been playing with. The session ends with chats with staff to discuss the children’s day, how they’ve felt, what they’ve enjoyed and what they might like to do in the future. This can be followed by a short story and then five minutes of meditation. This involves resting quietly and listening to a meditation CD. We find that it helps the children to relax before being picked up by their parents.
We prefer sessions to be booked and paid for a term in advance, to enable the children to secure their place. The parents can pay through BACs, childcare vouchers, cheques or cash.
Child safety
The children’s safety at Fireflies club is paramount. Because of this, all staff have a DBS check, which is updated every three years.
We adhere to all fire safety laws and undertake regular fire drills, and follow the evacuation procedures set by the school.
In line with Ofsted suggestions, each child has a named key worker, and you will be informed of who this is within the first term of your child’s attendance.
Parent Communication
Parents are encouraged to communicate with the Fireflies site manager, if they have any concerns or queries. You can contact them on: 07341370064. They will be given a rundown of their child’s afternoon when they collect them. We also send out a weekly newsletter to help keep parents abreast of any news. We like to share with you pictures of what your children have been doing that week.
In turn, we ask the teaching assistants and teachers for any daily update on the children as necessary when we collect them from class. The children are also be encouraged to tell us and their parents about their day.
The children are encouraged to have as much independence as possible whilst at the club and so on top of helping at snack time, they are encouraged to use the toilet independently, as they would do during the school day.
We are committed to providing a ‘Homestyle’, safe environment for your child while they are in our care.
Please contact Emily with any further questions.