This term, our topic comes from our children’s suggestion book, suggested by the children at Motcombe and Stafford schools. We try our best to ensure the children feel included in what happens at the clubs, so we often use their ideas to help plan crafts, our menus, exotic tastes, buy new toys etc. Each club has a suggestion book where children can write whatever they like. The managers then bring the books to a monthly meeting with me, and we discuss the children’s ideas and how to make them a reality. I’m afraid that cake as an exotic taste has still not made it passed me! (But we do have cake at parties, so everyone wins!)
When superheroes were listed, we all had a think about it. What is a superhero? What is a hero? What’s the difference? We asked the children, and they said a superhero has extraordinary powers, helps people, and defeats bad guys. They also told us a hero helps people but doesn’t have powers- they’re just regular people. So this term, we are looking at super and ordinary heroes.
One of our activities is to make hero peg dolls.
These peg dolls can be decorated to represent any hero you like- someone you know, someone on television, or someone you don’t know but know does great things- Doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers.
All you need is a peg doll, some paint and some patience! We have also used coloured paper or wool to make capes, hair, features etc.
We found our peg dolls on amazon- here is the link!
Here’s what some of the children have come up with at our after-school clubs:
Let us see what you come up with at home by sharing your creations with us by tagging us on Instagram and Facebook!